Conservation of the right aisle of the church of “San Bernardino” – Verona, 2007 – Public client

2006 – 2007

The Project
Inside the church, along with the right nave, there are frescoes of the late fifteenth and sixteenth of Nicholas Giolfino, Francesco Bonsignori, Domenico Morone and Antonio Badile. The works were in a state of deterioration due to the infiltration of rainwater.After restoring the masonry wall, it is provided for operations of pre-consolidation, cleaning, partial integration, consolidation, and protection both of the paintings is of all the decorations that collect them.

Professional services performed
A historical survey, metric and photographic survey, investigation of materials, technologies, structures, and degradation, design through all RIBA passages and Works Direction.

Prof. Arch. Giuseppe Cristinelli: Project Manager, Architectural design and Construction Manager; Arch. Giordano-Bruno Cristinelli yard inspector, Arch. Maria Paola Borgarino operative director.



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