Renovation of “Ca’ Zen” – Venice, 2014 – Private client

2013 – 2014
amount of work 585.910,24 €

The project
It concerned the consolidation and restoration of the façades and the overhaul of the roof covering, with the conservation of the existing structures such as fireplaces and dormitories. The project did not concern the west side of the building, belonging to other properties.

Professional services performed
Historical survey, preliminary, final and executive design, metric and photographic surveys of facades, roofs, ground floor and attic on scale 1:50, critical remarks of degradation and disassociations, editing detailed executives on scale 1:20 and 1:10, stratigraphic and petrographic surveys, work direction, security coordination during design and execution.

“Studio Associato di Architettura e Restauro Cristinelli&Cristinelli”: prof. arch. Giuseppe Cristinelli, designer; arch. Emma Calebich, Responsible for Security; arch. Giordano-Bruno Cristinelli, co-designer, arch. Dario Giuseppe Maso; co-designer. Collaborator: arch. Elisabetta Toscano.

Construction supervision
Prof. arch. Giuseppe Cristinelli, Director of the Works; arch. Emma Calebich, Responsible for Security in Execution; arch. Giordano-Bruno Cristinelli, Assistant to the Works Directorate.



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30121 Venice
+39 328 001 92 42
+39  041  71 09 49

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